The national park “ Chavash varmane ” was established on June, 20th, 1993 by the Governmental order of Russian Federation ¹ 588. It is located on the territory of Shemurshinskiy district in Chuvash Republic. The total area of the park is 25 200 hectares, number of clusters - 1.
Biocenosis from southern taiga up to forest-steppe, including all ecological line of localities from dry pine forests up to moors are presented on a rather small territory of the national park “Chavash varmane”. The flora and fauna of national park are extremely rich and various. There are about 800 kinds of supreme vascular plants presented here, rare and disappearing kinds, included in the Red books of the Chuvash Republic and Russia, are among them.

In the center of the composition are symmetrically located two pairs of zigzag lines, designating a hilly relief of the national park with twisting small rivers. These lines converge in the center, forming «the Tree of life ", above which «the Eternal sun " is shining. At the tops of zigzags is the image of vegetation - coniferous and broad-leaved woods. External zigzag line, representing small rivers, is blue, the image of vegetation is green, the image of the sun is red. The emblem has gold background meaning " White light ". From above is the inscription "national park ", below - the name - "Chavash varmane ”(in translation from Chuvash language- "the Chuvash wood" ).
The author of the emblem and the description: F.I.Madurov (Academy of spirituality)
Contact us
The post address: 429170, the Chuvash Republic,Shemursha, Kosmovskogo street,37
Phone/fax: (83546) 2-30-90 - director
Phone numbers: (83546) 2-34-32 - reception,
(83546)2-40-72 - deputy director protection officer,
(83546)2-33-16 - accounts department,
(83546)2-40-71 - scientific department,
(83546)2-35-06 - wood department,
(83546)2-78-67 - Baskaky county forestry,
(83546)2-54-41 - Baishevo county forestry.
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