Министерство транспорта и дорожного хозяйства Чувашской Республики (реорганизовано)ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ САЙТ
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Cheboxary – 2002

Хисеплĕ депутатсем, хаклă хăнасем!
Dear deputies of the National Council,
dear compatriots, the last year was very rich for us in the direct and figurative sense – in agricultural crop, and in historical events and achievements. 450-year's anniversary of entering of Chuvashia in the Russian state has become one of the most significant events that we met in a worthy manner, having confirmed once again that our people sees the future only in the structure of great Russia.

This date was important for us for many reasons, first of all, as an opportunity to estimate our work, as an opportunity of worthy self-confirmation of the republic, and as a factor of education of our youth, children and grandchildren, and as a foundation for further development. But the anniversary is not a rest on a long road. It is only an opportunity to look around to understand: the main road is ahead, new forces and faster rates of movement are necessary, and, if one may put it this way, more correct breathing, as for a sportsman at a marathon distance. Big problems are to be solved by us in the future.

Last year, in the traditional Speech made in the National Council I analysed the activity of Chuvashia leadership during 7 years and designated the basic reference points of social and economic development of the republic, having defined as the vector of our transformations the following path - “From survival tactics to development strategy”. This was the name of the Speech having also become a report of activity as the President of Chuvash Republic, and understanding of what we managed and failed to do.

The stable political and economic situation we have reached today allows us to get out to a new level of management - planning of long-term prospect for the development of the republic. In this context I present to you, dear deputies, the document - Presidential programme of basic social and economic transformations in Chuvash Republic till 2005, which will be fulfilled by my Cabinet of Ministers (further - Programme). (It has been distributed among all of you).

In the document you hold in your hands, the strategic schedules and tactical mechanisms are reflected, they should lead us to achievement of the main goal - increase of welfare of the republic’s citizens, to victory over poverty, psychology of dependence, social beggary in the public consciousness and formation of a wide layer of “middle class” .

Besides other functions, the Programme is a means for carrying out a dialogue between the power and the society on social and economic development and a tool for development and implementation of new initiatives in the republic. We offer the actions that require difficult and hard work of everyone, who wants to lead a worthy life, we wait for qualified, professionally responsible proposals, instead of groundless criticism of all and everything. Therefore, I stress, the Programme has an indicative value; it indicates the directions, guides the businessmen and investors. In the development and implementation of the Programme the local authority should also play an active role of initiator and catalyst of new ideas and perspective experience.

* * *

What are our launching lines to the beginning of 2002?

The reference directions of the republic development till date have been fixed in the Programme of social and economic development of Chuvash Republic for 1999-2001, the main measures of which have already been carried out. The activity of the entire national economy complex has become more precise and harmonious (in 1999 in Chuvashia growth of industrial production made 110.6%, in Russia - 108%, in 2000 - accordingly 110.5% and 109.0%, in 2001 – 105.8% and 104.9%). Thus, the rates of growth were reached from the high level of the previous years. The parameters of the gross regional product made in 1999 – 100.7%, in 2000 – 107.4%.

A large reserve for implementation of the intended Programme was created in 2001 that opened the third millennium, which Chuvashia going along the road of democracy and market economy, has entered confidently, though the reforms are difficult. Everything is learnt from comparison, wise people used to say. And we have what to compare and with what.

Where populist slogans and word-err in policy lead, the entire country and we have seen on the example of the former governor of adjacent Ulyanovsk oblast. The richest, oil producing subject of Russia, during the last years became essentially a bankrupt. Today, in this region, where, by the way, many representatives of our diaspora live, there are constant failures in supply of electricity and heat, they have debts in billions of rubles for power resources and on wages; the non-payment of children's allowances and compensation for the methodical literature lasts for years.

Those who do not wish to see the genuine truth of life in the native republic, to whom the given example is not enough, it is necessary to pay attention to the results of economic and social policy in other oblasts as well, for example, in Kirov and Nizhnii Novgorod oblasts that are rich in natural resources and the industrial potential. Facts are stubborn things, testifies the State committee on statistics of Russia. It is hardly possible to speak about availability of state policy in construction of houses, roads, and gasification. It is such policy that is the foundation of development of society and visual parameter of a genuine care of people.

What is the situation in construction in practice in these regions, you can see on the diagram as concrete figures and facts. (And it is not because governors are bad people there or do not want to construct, but because it is impossible to construct a modern life in the 21st century with ideological blindness and party bewitches.) The inhabitants of these regions cannot even dream of Chuvash programmes for development of public health, modernization of education, for which, besides increase of the own budget more than twice, we have managed to add US$10 million from the World Bank, US$10 million from the World Health Organization - on the grant basis, another US$10 million from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, i.e. about a billion of rubles in addition. How did little known Chuvashia manage in the recognition of so authoritative international organizations?.. Knowing the genuine price to this gain, as a matter of fact - gift to the people of Chuvashia, I guarantee that each ruble will reach those to whom it was intended - children and the sick, those who really need social care of the President and the Government of Chuvashia.

I had to read out these absolutely objective data, because during election in the republic there was unprecedented flow of lie and deception, the salary problem included, by which all years of Soviet power our republic in the Volga-Vyatka economic zone took the last place, and now it confidently takes the third place. I have cited these data provided by the State committee on statistics, because we in Chuvashia should not only cease, as they say, to strew head with ashes, but also we should learn to be proud and to be charged with positive energy from the fact that we can achieve more than the regions richer in natural resources and industrial potential. Only such world perception can really help each citizen, guard him against envy and rage, pessimism and depression. These feelings, these qualities of human character, you know, never bring any good, any happiness to anybody, to any family.

* * *

In the light of the above-said, I want to lay stress on one more important thing. We should be proud already of the fact that during the years of reforms we in Chuvashia in many respects managed to keep, and there, where there were losses, considerably to restore the industrial potential of the republic. The largest town-building companies such as, in particular, the “Cheboxary scientific-production enterprise ”Elara”, “Cheboxary aggregate works”, “AKkond” joint-stock companies, and the “Cheboxary jersey” Co. ltd have essentially (and some of them - several times) exceeded the volume of production and sales in comparison with the best years of the pre-reform period.

In the republic the quantity of the registered collective labour disputes from year to year is reduced: in 1996 their number equalled to 95, in 1997 - 7, in 1998 - 6, in 1999 - 4, in 2000 and in 2001 – there was none.

It is possible to state a high level of inflow of investments both in industrial and municipal infrastructures, and in the social sphere - such directions as public health, education, informatization, training of personnel, energy-saving technologies, development of communications.

* * *

The Chuvash proverb states: “Çурт лартма йывăр мар, никĕсне хывма йывăр” (It is not difficult to construct a house, it is difficult to lay the foundation). We – this is also my presidential estimation - have managed to lay a good foundation. But we cannot stay half way. Ahead we have a lot of activity – large scale, historically important in consequences. Now, together with you, it is necessary to construct a building, where the life of people will become much better, on this sufficiently stable foundation.

The Chuvash people also say: “Тытма пĕлсен сахал та перекетлĕ пулать” - “If skilfully managed even a small amount will suffice”. Today, Chuvashia acts as an initiator of new forms and methods of management. Victory of Chuvashia among 53 subjects of the Russian Federation in the project of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the best result in the second stage of the competition in 2001 under the totals of expert credit rating and budget management quality are high recognition and best evidence of tax & budget policy qualification of Chuvash Republic. There is the most transparent and effective management system of public finances, i.e. money of taxpayers, in Chuvash Republic. Experts of the Government of Russia and those of IBRD gave such official estimation of our joint activity. The results of the 1st stage of the reform are evaluated as 300 million rubles of additional receipts in the republic.

* * *

The basis of our economic and social policy is the programme of transformations directed to creation of modern jobs and training of modern staff for the republic.
I lay stress on the adjective “modern”, because we need experts claimed in the labour market and adequately paid.

In the programme transformations it is necessary to take into account the extremely important law of this century. Good jobs, i.e. worthy life of people will depend very essentially on how we are going to develop high technologies. After all, the 21st century is the time for promoting high technologies. Therefore, we in Chuvashia are obliged to convert traditional industry into modern, highly technological one with a big intellectual added value, as well as into sphere of services. Accordingly, our state policy of industry support, both on the part of the Cabinet of Ministers, and on the part of the National Council, should be increased by active support of scientific schools, directions and developments resulting in the technology of the 21st century.

Now, a large scale project on creation of the Republican informational-analytical system is being carried out in the republic, that includes extension of telecommunication networks and stations for public access, creation of information networks and resources of government bodies, re-engineering and optimisation of information supply of government bodies activity. These activities are being carried out in accordance with the basic regulations of the federal target programme “Electronic Russia for 2002-2010” and in many respects are leaving the latter behind. Leading international experts recognized the project of the Republican information-analytical system (RIAS) as the best and advanced in the entire Russian Federation.

Professionals and well-informed people understand that the project connected with high information technologies is a locomotive project and will ensure a historical jerk in the development of the republic, first of all, in the development of its intellectual component. The results of our activity in this sphere, that are already today noticeable in Russia, will be evident to all citizens of Chuvashia in the nearest future. I am sure that for the implementation of this project our descendants will mark our accuracy in definition of priorities for ensuring fast and powerful development of the Chuvash society in the 21st century.

For creation of good jobs we should stimulate the extension of trade. Gaining new Russian and foreign markets for Chuvash commodity and services producers will also create new jobs. We together with you should be an active unified power assisting the extension of trade in commodities and services from Chuvashia.

But we shall reach irreversible historical success only in the case we recognize that our aim is also to reduce dependence of people on power structures and officials. For this, it is necessary that the policy of both republican, and municipal government bodies, of both the Cabinet of Ministers, and the National Council should be directed, first of all, to granting each inhabitant of Chuvashia an opportunity to find himself/herself in business or at another worthy job. To find himself/herself and to fulfil his/her duties so that it is required by today's life evaluating our activity, our production in free market. That’s why it is necessary to say that good jobs are waiting for good, qualified, diligent workers and specialists, but not “those who get satisfactory marks”.

Small business is the basis of economy development. It promotes its growth, introduction of new technologies, rational resource distribution; it ensures conditions for increase of living standards of broad layers of the population. Creating new jobs, producing commodities and services necessary for the society, acting simultaneously as a customer of different products, small enterprises should take a more and more noticeable place in the national economy of Chuvashia, too. In leading countries small business gives more than 50% of GIP and provides employment of about 60% of the population.

Taking into account the importance of business development, I offer additional measures for its development: creation of tax privileges, formation of favourable enterprising environment and legal protection, extension of interaction of small and big business.

A special theme for our co-responsibility is the further improvement of investment climate and continuation of progressive long-term tax strategy, for good jobs depend on the tax policy that stimulates development of production and trade. Therefore, creation of a favourable tax zone in Chuvash Republic is a major problem facing the Cabinet of Ministers and the National Council. The tax system stimulating development of production and services, thereby - consumer demand of the population should become a continuously working factor in the republic for both strategic economic growth, and effective social protection of inhabitants of Chuvashia. We should create all necessary conditions for intensive attraction of investments to our factories and modernization of equipment, reducing a tax burden for enterprises, businessmen and workers so that people could have more money that they could spend for meeting their daily requirements.

Dear deputies, we should actively work together in the forthcoming months and years over other problems as well, in particular, in the policy for support of agriculture, the entire agro-industrial complex and development of rural area as a whole. The state programme for additional support of the agro-industrial complex is based on the foundation we achieved in the economic development of Chuvashia during the last 3-4 years. For Chuvash Republic agriculture cannot be a priority of one year. It means that we should add our efforts to support peasants and to improve their living conditions.

We should not be satisfied with the fact that based on materials of research conducted by the Ministry of agriculture of Russia, Chuvash Republic is among 15 regions with the most favourable dynamics of gross production in agriculture, that the branch is competitive. Ensuring equal access to public infrastructure facilities for both urban and rural population at the expense of gasification and construction of motorways to each village is a priority for us. It is planned to strengthen the state support on stimulation of personal housing construction and development of by-farms. The priority modernization of rural school is being developed, computerization included. Next in turn is also the programme “School bus” that will be launched already by the beginning of academic year.

Replenishment of obsolete park of agricultural machinery, essential for peasantry, began on the basis of leasing, and in the nearest two years we are planning to ensure purchase of not less than 200 combines and 500 tractors. Elite seed growing and pedigreed animal husbandry will become a priority of state support.

Despite renovation of machinery, allocation of money in the agro-industrial complex, the main revolution should take place in the consciousness of the people working in the countryside. Villagers are more conservative to changes. We shall not achieve basic changes in agriculture without concentration of means of production and soil in the hands of effective proprietors. And this process will be continued. Let us create modern informational-marketing systems in the republican districts with a more active usage of the Republican informational-analytical systems and opportunities of Internet. Today, computers are built in new models of combines, and if the life makes a combine operator pass on new technologies, that means neither the leadership, nor agricultural specialists should lag behind as far as their problems are concerned.

* * *

Everyone should realize, and I lay stress on this once again in principle: good jobs start at good, modern schools. And here again, Chuvashia has a fine beginning. We have passed the competition, we have been recognized as a pilot site in Russia, this means we can and should execute such modernization of education, that it should become historical achievement for the destiny of our people. The modernization programme of education is, in particular, the following:
• founding 1,000 nominal grants for representatives of youth and students for special creative aspiration;
• creating network of 201 rural general secondary schools fit out with the newest educational and computer equipment;
• involving all needy families in the republican programme “School bus”, for which we are planning to buy not less than 70-80 buses;
• introduction of the unified state examination in the educational system of the republic;
• improvement of the quality of knowledge of rural schoolchildren and competitiveness of graduates, for this already in 2002 the expenses on education of a rural schoolchild are increased 2.1 times;
• accent in the activity of school should be done on upbringing of children, especially – to instill skills of healthy way of life in them;
• introduction of high profile school in humanities, natural science and other directions, this raising the level of training of school-leavers and replacing largely tutoring and paid courses at higher schools, notably lowering costs for needy families;
• ensuring conditions for graduates of profile classes of secondary schools to master computer and the language of international business and commerce - English, schoolchildren will begin studying the latter already in the 2nd grade;
• broad introduction of modern information technologies of training, including remote training, in general education;
• implementation of the programme “Internet at each school of the republic” till 2005;
• use of the potential of higher schools for training foreign students on the commercial basis, extension of our students’ participation and that of lecturers in international scientific and education programmes.
• creation of the system for initial and secondary vocational education and retraining of adult population in a wide spectrum of modern professions demanded in the market on the basis of 11 resource centres;
• creation of an effective system for management and development through training of higher and medium unit leaders according to quality standards of European certification.

Special, historically significant, task of the Cabinet of Ministers and the National Council, municipal bodies is strengthening of financing development programmes for national culture and language, as well as formation of cultural environment taking into account the coming of the 21st century – century of “the world without boundaries” . It means organization of international and inter-regional cultural events and actions, strengthening of cultural relations between regions, that in turn leads to the so-called synergism, joint multi-effective operation allowing to use more completely the resources of regions for the benefit of Chuvashia.

Dear deputies, an interesting activity and a good salary can lose their sense and value one day, if there is no good system of public health. During the last years we managed to create the foundation of planning for 2002 a 2.4 times (during the last 10 years) historical increase of expenditures for protection of health. Much has been done for veterans, for our elder generation. They were given the most modern system that includes a sharp increase of state support. For providing with free medical aid to disabled persons and veterans, for dento-prosthetic rehabilitation target means were allocated, this sum exceeding 6 times of appropriations of 2000. The availability in the republic of the personified registration of preferential aid has allowed to ensure not only guaranteed volumes, but – what is most important – personified assistance in its rendering.

But it is only the beginning of the policy we have laid in the programme for ensuring an effective protection of health of the republican population. Its basic measures are the following:
• ensuring safe motherhood and protection of children’s health
- through strengthening the material and technical basis of perinatal service, through achievement of maximum return from the activity of the state unitary institution “Republican perinatal centre”, through creation of inter-district maternity homes, through development of specialized medical aid on the basis of the state unitary institution “Republican children's hospital” and the municipal unitary institution “Children's hospital of tractor-builders”;
• reorganization of the system of health services of the population with the provision of priorities for primary link. Creation of not less than 100 offices of general practitioners - family doctors (primarily in the rural area);
• organization of 10 inter-district diagnostic and traumatological centres, as well as first aid units with the concentration of the newest medical equipment and technologies allowing to bring nearer the specialized medical aid to the population and to improve clinical results of treatment.

It is known that it is easier and cheaper to prevent illness than to treat it. This means that we are obliged to conduct an active popularisation of healthy way of life, to create in each court yard and in each village a sporting site even with the simplest, but effective sporting facilities - volleyball site, hockey box, horizontal bar etc. And it is self-government institutions in towns and districts that are responsible for solving these problems.

The most pressing problems for all levels of power and public are stimulating development of family and mass physical fitness and sport, it is reduction of alcohol consumption, struggle against usual ugly and criminal mass “culture” of forced making a drunkard of citizens each other, guests, conscripted youth; this is extension of the list of places prohibited for smoking, counteraction to drug addiction, especially - among teenagers and youth.

Drug addiction
is a huge problem of modern society and it is a threat to the future. Besides this problem is connected with success or failure of fighting crime, as well as with an illegal turnover of money. The accent in the struggle against drug addiction should be done on prophylaxis and popularisation of healthy way of life among the population of the republic, as well as on improvement of the public health system.

It is possible and necessary to mark as an essential factor in policy the low level of criminality and operation improvement of the system of law enforcement bodies, confidence in the latter, as regular sociological surveys show, has grown for the majority of the population.

It is extremely important to consolidate reputation of the republic with reliable law and order, where both population and business are protected from criminality and racket.

Last year, 59 justices of the peace began working in Chuvash Republic, their activity considerably increases the effectiveness of the system protecting the rights of citizens. The work done in 2001 by the National Council and the Ministry of Justice of Chuvash Republic allowed justices of the peace to consider more than 22% of criminal and more than 61% of civil cases from the total considered by courts. In such situation citizens have the right to demand from the judiciary system an essential improvement of the quality of protection of human rights and legitimate interests of all subjects of law.

* * *

The new phenomenon not only in policy, but also in the history of Chuvashia - active development of international and inter-regional relations
will also help to attract investment to our republic, will promote increase of commodity turnover, will help to export products instead of resources, and this is a key development for such regions of Russia, as Chuvashia.

International cooperation is possible not only by establishment of economic ties with other countries and regions, but also by cooperation in the sphere of science, culture and sports.

International relations in the field of science will promote increase of the educational level of the population, introduction of new ideas and technologies in industry. Interaction in the cultural sphere will help to put right the exchange of cultural programmes between regions. Cooperation in the field of sport will promote exchange of experience between sporting schools, as well as holding inter-regional and international competitions that will increase both sport training of citizens, and, what is most important, fashion for sporting style of life (instead of beer style) for growing generation.

Development of tourism
is also a very important sphere for applying our force. We can and should use the great river Volga, and natural beauty of our republic for attraction of additional finances. For this, it is necessary to develop the infrastructure of our republic, hotel business, and “congress” tourism.

Dear deputies, the programme of the most basic and necessary social and economic transformations till 2005 in the republic has been determined, and its implementation will allow Chuvashia to achieve new progressive and qualitative standards.

The social and economic model stipulated by the Programme and directed to launching of major factors of dynamical development of economy, will ensure stable and steady rates of increase for both the gross regional product, and industrial production, and agriculture, as well as investments in the fixed capital. And the rates must be higher than the average Russian ones. The implementation of the Programme will allow fixing the scheduled positive tendency of growth of real incomes and consumer demand of the population, to increase essentially the share of medium-income groups of the population, to reduce considerably the number of citizens with incomes lower than a living wage.

The implementation of the programme will allow ensuring a steady growth in the sphere of trade and paid services to the population, and this will promote an increase of consumer demand. The accelerated development of public infrastructure will create much more comfortable conditions, meeting modern requirements, for life, work, everyday activities, rest, study, and maintenance of physical and spiritual health of the population of Chuvash Republic.

As a matter of fact, it is the first concept of development of the republic that was developed so specifically and at the same time fundamentally.

It should be stressed that the Programme is based on 8-year practice of managing the republic in the most complicated period. We took into account the best world experience; we placed in service and transformed the most competent economic and social models for our conditions.

The offered Programme for development of the republic was worked out and has already been implemented in many directions for many years and by many people, but it can and should be embodied - as a whole and socially effective – in short terms and with the active support of hundreds of thousand hands.

In the essence, the Programme is not limited with definition of only economic priorities. It is a comprehensive programme for public development of Chuvashia as a socium.

Development of the Programme for basic social and economic transformations is not end in itself. The main thing here is to form in Chuvash Republic modern and socially progressive market tools for efficient management in democratic society, to ensure fully the people with necessary goods and services, to stimulate further development of economy, to protect the population with low incomes, and to preserve the spiritual potential of the society.

The programme should help to ensure freedom to each inhabitant of the republic to arrange the life how it meets - within the framework of values stimulated by the state and the society – his/her personal desires and ideas.

The necessary condition for success in implementation of the offered Programme there is a requirement - both legislative and executive branches of power, both the republican and municipal levels in the republic should act as a unified well-coordinated team.

Dear members of the parliament, I want to mark a high qualification and effective work of the deputies of the National Council last year. For the first time in the practice of activity of the republican legislative body such high productivity was achieved.

I am grateful to the deputies of the National Council of Chuvash Republic for such activity. You as a whole always show understanding and support me in my efforts on the most important problems of inner policy directed to necessary progressive transformations in all spheres of economy and social life.

The most important is the human factor in implementation of the intended Programme. It is even more important than material and financial resources. You see, quite often for fulfilment of objectives finances are not required. It is necessary to include each worker of Chuvashia in the activity, first of all – his/her intellectual energy and will. We say: “Телей пăхнипе килмест” - “A man is a blacksmith of his happiness” or “Happiness does not come to the one who sits and waits”. Clear and understandable aims are able to captivate the people, understanding what is going on will mobilize forces, transforms a passive person into an active and creative one. Therefore, there are high requirements from my side to the information policy of government bodies. Let there be good laws, remarkable orders passed by the National Council and the Cabinet of Ministers, if they are not conveyed to the people, to a concrete person, or they are conveyed, but as a bureaucratic paper, instead of precise and distinct aim and task - all our projects are not worth two cents. We shall not receive main support – from the people. Therefore, we should each day convince, explain, prove, and shape the mentality of a person - creator.

We do not have time and resources for unsuccessful experiments. Therefore, today I am offering the Programme gained and approved in our previous joint activity. And the forthcoming four years directed to fulfilment of the Programme of basic transformations will be in many respects decisive in the history of Chuvashia. Because the results of transformations should guarantee irreversibility of our forward movement, irreversibility of Chuvashia aspiration to the 21st century. We are steady in striving for our aim and should even work more together, understanding and helping each other.

Thank you, thank you all for attention.

(C) Chuvash Republic President’s Staff.
Translated from Russian by Vladimir Shashkov and Luiza Mikhailova on February 28, 2002.
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