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Cheboksary, Shupashkar – the capital of the Chuvash Republic, its administrative, economic and cultural center. Cheboksary consists of three sections – Kalinin’s, Lenin’s, Moscow’s and Zavolzhye territorial administration.


The population on 01.01.2003 is 453,2 thousand people (1970 – 208,0; 1989 –432,6; 2000 – 472,4).


For the territory appropriate more ravine intended coastline. Ravines are very various with its size and shape. The growing ravines (Chernishevsky, Gremyachevsky, in Lakreevsky forest and etc.) are crippling for the city property.


Cheboksary occupies advantageous economic-geographical position, which was improved last years and determined with existence of expressway – Nizhnii Novgorod – Cheboksary – Ulyanovsk, and also by Volga, which still determines the development and function of the town. Advantageous transport-geographical position of Cheboksary is strengthened by favorable neighborhood. Povolzhye and Ural are of great interest as providers of the most important types of strategically raw materials (oil and gas, and also metals); Central Russia – the center of concentration of up-to-date, high-technology productions and also market infrastructure. Within the confines of Chuvash Republic Cheboksary have stable relations with all administrational regions of republic owing to developed auto line. Practically auto transport carries more than 85% of freights and passengers.


Planning structure of the town in great extent follows lay of the territory which was formed by means of divides of Volga’s tributaries (Cheboksarka, Sygytka, Kaibulka), which separate in the form of a fan in meridian direction. Consequently of this the primary municipal developments situates on tributaries and form territories of administrative districts in the form of wedges which coincide like amphitheatre near the Volzhskii gulf and extend to the South (deep into 10 km) up to the town line. Lenin’s district – typical district of metropolitan city where unproductional sphere predominates, industry in Kalinin’s district is presented unproportionaly cumbrously (80%), and in Moscow district predominates dwelling complex. All main transport routes: B. Khmelnitzkii, Grazshdanskaya, prospects – Lenin’s, Kalinin’s, and Moscow – are run along upper grades of ridges of tributaries and form radial system of streets, which coincides up to the gulf. Half-round magisterial – Tekstishikov’s – Gagarine’s – connects the streets of radial direction and connects divorced parts of the town. The rest of the streets follow radial directions or sheer of them. The general amount of bridges and dams in the town – 36, among them large – 16, reinforced concrete – 12. The most huge reinforced concrete bridges are situated in direction of the main line: Kalinin street – Volodarskii street – Moscow avenue and through the rivers Trysiha and Sygytka.


Cheboksary – manufuctual town. The primary industrial enterprises and municipally storing establishments are combined into Eastern and Southern industrial zones (80% of working places of the town industry). In the central sector of the city lives about 7% of the population, approximately 70-75% of working places of the unproductional sphere. The North sector – Zavolzhye – the least populated region of all and is primary characterized as recreative zone.

63,1% of the general number of employed occupied in the town economy refers to industrial sphere. The branches of industrial specialization are mechanical engineering and metalworking operation (43 large enterprises of the town, density of occupied in industry makes up 63%). Diversified mechanical engineering was formed. Basic branch of industry is electro-mechanical engineering (11 large firms and enterprises, including Electropribor, Zeim, ChEAZ); tractor building, machine building and device building (JSC “Promtractor”, mechanical engineering, “ELARA”, “Energozapchast”). Further goes light industry (cotton fabric enterprise, knitted factory). The main part of the output is exporting out of Chuvash Republic, especially cotton-paper and knitted productions. Plant of V.I.Chapaev produces chemical products and consumer goods. Also function TPS1, TPS2, furniture factory and enterprises of food industry, but in nomenclature of importing products mainly dominate alcoholic beverages (2 large enterprises and 11 enterprises and firms which produce food products).

Town servicing role of construction complex and orientation on satisfaction of town needs are reinforced. This is accompanied by functional change of profile of its activity from industrial to primarily social sphere, first of all on the decision of dwelling problem. 88 building organizations exist in the town. Density of transport network is 3 km2. There are 20 autobus routes, 18 trolleybus routes and also jitney.

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